June 13, 2016
MESA Announces Unbreakable Reciprocators
RPS Reciprocator Protection System
With the new patent-pending RPS Reciprocator Protection System, exclusively available on Highland embroidery machines, you never again have to worry about your business being down because you struck a hoop. With other embroidery machines, striking a hoop can easily break the plastic reciprocator, making your machine unusable until repaired, possibly for days if you cannot do the repair yourself.
This revolutionary unbreakable reciprocator is metal, not plastic, and therefore cannot be broken by simply striking a hoop with the needle. Instead of breaking an expensive part of your machine, a small plastic post will break off, which can easily and inexpensively be replaced. When this post is broken, it puts that one needle out of order, instead of the entire sewing head. By reprogramming the color to another needle (and re-hooping the garment so you don't strike the hoop again) your machine is embroidering again in minutes! You can then repair the RPS system at your convenience.
Watch the video at www.HighlandMachines.com/RPS to see how fast and easy it is to get back up and running after a hard hoop strike that would put other embroidery machines down for repairs.
Other features on Highland embroidery machines include a laser pointer for running trace functions, auto design recovery, stitch filtering, and tangle-free thread tubing. A complete start-up package is available, which includes machine, embroidery software, stock designs, and supplies. Plus, every new embroidery machine purchased from MESA includes training and toll-free phone support, and is covered by the industry's most comprehensive 5 year warranty.
For more information, visit www.highlandmachines.com or call toll-free (800) 330-3867.